Paper or Plastic? O Reuso dos Materiais e dos Produtos na Cultura Material da População de Rua (PDF). Lecture presented at P&D96, Congresso Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento em Design, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 1996.
Paper or plastic: a wrapped culture by the homeless. A Comparative Study of Materials the Homeless Use in São Paulo, Brazil and in Los Angeles California, USA. Lecture presented at the Fifth IASTE Conference, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 1997.
Spontaneous design, informal recycling and everyday life in postindustrial metropolis (PDF) Lecture presented at Conference Design plus Research, Politecnico di Milano, 2000.
Design Education Against Exclusion: from Coopamare to Camapet. Presented at the Sustainable Manufacturing. IV Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering, São Carlos, Brazil, 2006. (PDF 01) (PDF 02) (PDF 03)
Reflections on Design, Sustainability and Reverse Logistics: PET packaging recycling in Brazil (PDF). Presented at the Sustainable Manufacturing. IV Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering, São Carlos, Brazil, 2006.
The Many lives of PET: a Strategical Approach for Environmental Questions (PDF) Presented at the Sustainable Manufacturing. IV Global Conference on Sustainable Product Development and Life Cycle Engineering, São Carlos, Brazil, 2006.
Cities of Plastic and Cardboard and the Space of Resistance (PDF). Presented at the Camp for Oppositional Architecture. Utrecht, Netherland, 2006.
Design wisdom: beyond the frontiers of reductionist discourses (PDF). Presented at the 5th European Academy of Design, Barcelona, Spain, 2003.
Cities of plastic and cardboard – The homeless informal habitat in São Paulo, Los Angeles and Tokyo (PDF). Lecture presented at The Asia-Pacific network for Housing Research International Conference Housing and Globalization. Kobe, Japan, 2005.
Desire of Design Knowledge. Notes on CNPq Doctoral Education Program in Brazil (PDF). Lecture presented at International Conference of the Design Research Society, Monash University, 2004.
June, 2008 - São Paulo.
6º Festival Lixo e Cidadania.
Setembro, 2007 - Minas Gerais.
6º Congresso Brasileiro de Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Produto - VI CBGDP.
Agosto, 2007 - Minas Gerais.
TZU - Tokyo Zokei University and USP - seminar, workshop and exhibition.
March, 2007 - São Paulo.
Destination 2026 - The International Conference of Design for Sustainability.
December, 2006 - Tokyo.
COOPAMARE - Recyclabe Materials Collectors Cooperative.
August - December, 2003.